Alpha - Chapter Three

I was standing at the entrance of a magnificent mansion. The door opened and I stepped inside. There was an enormous hall, most glorious to behold.

Someone was standing there holding out a smock and a long slender paint brush.

"Why are you handing me the smock and the paint brush?" I asked.

"You shall paint what I will show you", he said, "But you are not yet ready. First you must learn to look upon creation through eyes of love. It is not necessary for you to understand creation itself, but it is necessary for you to understand love. When you behold a glorious sunrise, is it necessary for you to understand its rising to thrill to its beauty? When you behold the first stirrings of spring, is it necessary for you to understand its bursting forth to thrill to its freshness?

"I have been instructed to show you through the mansion, but we will go back to beginnings once more before continuing."

I was looking upon the beginnings once more and what I saw was Love. Love and the Father were one and the same. Love and creation were one and the same. Love was living. All that Love created was also living. Love went forth tirelessly, endlessly seeking a means to express Itself. And Man was created. In the image of the Father was Man created, for Man was created to love.

Man's love went forth seeking a means to express itself. And Woman was created. In the image of Love was Woman created, for Woman was created to receive the Love.

Woman's love was returned to the Man who returned it to the Father and the Cycle of Love was complete.

After a time, the Woman turned away from the love seeking something new. The Man was filled with confusion, for his love was rejected. His love became Lust.

The Woman was filled with confusion, for Man's love was no longer pure. Her purity became Impurity.

The relationship was destroyed.

"What's to be done?" I cried.

"Behold," said my guide.

I saw a New Man. It was the Lord, Son of God, Jesus the Christ.

I saw a New Woman. She was The Church, the Bride of Christ. The relationship was restored.

"When is this to be?" I asked.

He did not answer. Instead he said, "Come. We shall walk and learn."

We entered a classroom. There were desks arranged before a blackboard. My guide told me to take a seat. He went to the blackboard and started to write.

"Instinct = Protection", he wrote.

"I will explain,"he said, "All of creation has been given the reaction of instinct. It is for the purpose of protecting itself. The response is one of fear and hatred. These are not emotions. These are reactions.

He wrote above that line: "Reason = Knowledge and Understanding."

"I will explain," he said. "Reason deals with knowledge that already exists. It brings understanding to that which IS. It does not arouse emotion or reaction. It is a place that is comfortable, where man feels safe and secure. It does not contain life, but satisfies man's need for security and safety."

He wrote above that line: "Emotion = Fulfillment".

"I will explain," he said. Fulfillment is the ultimate purpose of creation and life. It is the striving toward what is yet to be. It is the striving TO be. Just as the Father's purpose is to fulfill that which He created, so it is man's purpose to fulfill that for which he was created. In the realm of emotion there is much anticipation for its purpose has not been attained. Man calls the anticipation Imagination. He seeks first in one direction and then another. He runs to and fro to find it. In his search, he is filled with frustration. Man calls the frustration Depression.

He continued, "Think back on yourlife and tell me at what times did you feel fulfilled. I am not speaking about enjoyment. I am not speaking of events that brought you happiness. I am speaking of a time when you felt fulfilled."

I didn't quite understand what I was supposed to think back about. My guide stood quietly waiting while I searched my thoughts, when suddenly I understood.

He said, "I see you have recalled such a time. What was it?"

"When I was very young," I said, "I was confined to my bed for a period of time. The days hung heavy on my hands and my brother brought me some art supplies. He suggested that I prop a mirror on my bed and try painting a self portrait. I did as he suggested and when I was finished, yes, I felt fulfilled despite the fact I could not rise from my bed."

He smiled and asked, "What was your response?"

I thought a moment and said, "Why, it was gratitude!"

He said, "When each man finds that for which he was created, his response is one of gratitude. By this does he know that he has found it. Gratitude is an emotion. Gratitude brings about other emotions - love, joy and peace. The Father yearns for each man to find his fulfillment."

* * * * * * *

I was shown into another room in the mansion. It was a chapel.

There were many hosts standing beneath wondrously-colored stained glass windows, singing praises to the Lord. I sat down in a pew and listened.

Suddenly the chapel was filled with a great radiance and the Lord appeared in all His glorious splendor.

"Behold!"He said.

I saw the hosts going into every part of the world carrying the Lord's Word with them. The Word went forth so that every soul on earth was able to hear it. The earth began to glow until it seemed that a halo of light surrounded the entire world.

There were many faces, but my attention was focused on their eyes. They were looking up toward the Lord. "Why, they can see You!" I cried. "How did this come about?"

He answered, "A veil has separated heaven from earth and the veil has now been lifted. With the lifting of the veil, their eyes have been opened."

* * * * * * *

Some time after the experience about the mansion, my husband and I decided it was time to find a house large enough for us to pursue our desires - my husband's desire to work with his hands creating and restoring furniture, and mine to paint.

We were driving through a tiny hamlet when I saw a house set back from the road lying at the foot of a hill with a For Sale sign. "That house puts me in mind of the mansion" , I cried. "I believe we are meant to have it!"

I came before the Lord to ask Him why I felt so strongly about this house. This is what I "saw".

The Lord was seated at a small wooden table. He said, "Call your husband that he may join us."

My husband came and took a seat to the Lord's right and I took a seat to His left. Bread and wine were placed on the table. He handed us each a piece of bread and a goblet of wine. When we were finished, He said, "Come."

We left and started to walk down a long drive and there at the end of the drive was the house that had so consumed me.

"I am giving you this house." He said. "You are to make this a place of great beauty which shall do Me honor."

"How are we to do this?" I cried. "We do not have the means!"

He did not answer.

* * * * * * *

I now digress from the visions to relate a most amazing tale of guidance.

After this experience, I was convinced that we were meant to have this house.

Despite my husband's objection, I called the realtor. When he showed me through the house, it was in complete chaos. The realtor questioned whether it was even possible to restore it. But my heart leaped with joy. I saw nothing but beauty.

When my husband, children and a few friends walked through the rooms, they seriously questioned my judgment and shook their heads in dismay at my persistence. They were all in agreement that it was a disaster and I should re-think this unwise course. But I was convinced the Lord meant for us to have this house.

There were, to be sure, some grave obstacles to be overcome, the main one being our complete lack of funds. This did not discourage me. I felt the Lord said He would "give" us the house and I literally took Him at His word, so much so that I told the realtor we would buy it outright.

A closing date was set up but no funds for even the down payment were in sight. My husband was frantic at what I had done and refused to go with me.

It was a disaster. The owner threatened to sue, the realtor was furious and I left in a state of total confusion and doubt.

Another date was set up. I was to bring $1,500 as good faith money, $1,500 which I didn't have. As I drove out of the driveway to face another devastating encounter, my hands were shaking and my heart was beating rapidly. I was ready to admit defeat. I stopped at the mailbox to pick up our mail and there was a letter from a dear friend. To calm myself, I decided to stop a moment and read her letter. And there was a check for $1,500! I was still in a state of shock as I walked into the office and took the first step toward getting the "House in the Hamlet".

My husband and I cashed in his life insurance policy, but still it was not enough to cover the down payment. A few of our friends were thinking perhaps we were meant to have the house after all and scrambled to come up with the rest of it.

I had, by this time, changed realtors. I felt I owed her an explanation as to why I was so driven to pursue this seemingly wild idea. I told her about my experience about the mansion and felt we were meant to have the house. She completely accepted my explanation and felt we should continue. She submitted our request to the bank and we waited. A letter arrived within a few days stating our loan was denied due to lack of income. She tried again. Again, a letter arrived stating the same thing... denied, due to lack of income. I called Sandy and was ready to admit defeat. I had been sadly mistaken.

Two days later, she called to say the Vice President of the bank wanted to see my husband and me. I couldn't imagine why. We had an appointment for the following day at 4:00pm.

We arrived completely bewildered as to why he had called us in. He was seated in a chair behind his desk and motioned for us to be seated. We waited. He fired questions at my husband as to why we were trying to buy this house when we couldn't afford it. My husband fired back answers saying that he had asked us to come in, that we had not asked for this interview.

The Vice President then turned his attention to me. "I hear you wrote a book," he said.

Completely taken aback, I answered, "Yes."

"Why don't you sell it and raise some money?" he asked.

"It's not that kind of a book," I said.

"I hear you want to buy this house because of some vision you had... "

I was stunned. "Yes." I said.

He sat there saying nothing for a while. He looked at his watch... five o'clock. He stood up and said, "You want this house? You got it." And walked out of his office. My husband and I sat there staring at each other, speechless.

* * * * * * *

I came before the Lord. "Lord," I said, "I believe all that You have shown me, although I do not understand much of it."

He was standing in a place of worship. There were many hosts casting delicate white petals at His feet, as a form of worship.

The Lord said, "It is counted righteousness when man believes. It was because Abraham believed that he was declared righteous before the Father. It was because Abraham believed that the Father told him to gather his household and go forth to a land He would show him. Because of his belief, the Father was able make of him a great nation. Without belief, the Father cannot accomplish that which He wishes to accomplish.

While He was speaking I noticed He was holding the golden key He had removed from the box which no mortal hand could touch.

"To all those who believe, to them is given the Key to Paradise that they may walk in the realm of believing."

* * * * * * *

I was standing high in the heavens on a crystal platform. There was no time, just the endless thread of eternity. The Father's Throne shone in majestic radiance. The crystal platform was separating Time from Timelessness. The Father was able to view all of creation simultaneously - from the very first beginnings to the very end of time. But He, Himself dwelt far above it all.

Jesus left Eternity and entered into Time. He was standing at the very end of Time itself. He started walking slowly back through the creation, pausing at each and every person, offering to fill each one's need. Everyone who invited Him in was filled with His light, giving off the same light which He was, making them easily recognizable as His own.

When Jesus completed His journey from the last to the first, He ascended into the heavens and stood waiting directly under the crystal platform, still in Time. He was able to see each person who had received His light and called to them to come join Him in the heavens.

Those who had not received His light remained on the earth.

When all those who had joined the Lord had reached the full number, Judgment sped forth from the Father's Throne, removing all those who were standing on the earth.

When the Judgment was complete, the Lord and all those who were with Him returned to earth and dwelt together for a time.

The crystal platform began a slow descent until it rested upon the earth. All those who were living there with the Lord walked onto the sheet of crystal. Time was no more. The old earth was no more. The old heavens were no more. Eternity reigned and Peace everlasting was restored.

* * * * * * *

The Lord appeared filled with tenderness. He said, "All of creation waits for its fulfillment, yearning for the day when it will be released from its bonds of mortality. To keep alive the hope and the promise, the Father has ever sent His prophets to speak words of comfort and words of warning that His perfect Will may come to pass. He speaks to My people words of comfort that they not become dismayed when trials come upon them. He speaks of Who I am and what I shall accomplish. He speaks words of warning that they might be prepared.

"All the words that I speak contain Life, for I, Myself AM Life. I use the things of this world in which you dwell to explain the mysteries of the Kingdom, for the mortal mind cannot grasp the Immortal Mind.

I saw the unfolding of the mystery of His words of life. I saw that all of His Words contained Life. Indeed, all the Words He had ever spoken contained Life. The Word came forth from the Being of the Father to His first-born people, the Israelites. The Word delivered to them the Ten Commandments. The Commandments were living.

In order that mortal man might understand that they had life, The Father bade them build an ark in which they might dwell. When His people settled in a land, He bade them build a Temple that His living Law might have an earthly home. He bade them build a Temple that His people might gather together in one place to hear the Law. Just as the people had a home in which they dwelt, so the Father wanted them to understand that The Commandments must also have a place to dwell since they, too, were living.

After a time, the Word which the Israelites had been hearing, became a mortal man like themselves. He became mortal that He might speak to them directly in the Temple they had built.

When the Word left the earth, He bade His people to build a Church in which to house the living words He had spoken. He bade them build a Church that he might speak.

The Lord said, "You see, My people came to the Temple to hear The Law. They come to the Church that I might speak. The Law, which was housed in the Temple was for the purpose of hearing. My Word, which is housed in the Church, is for the purpose of speaking. It is now time for My people to see Me.

"Lord," I asked, "How will the people be able to see You?"

"Wait for a time."He said, "And it shall be revealed."

* * * * * * *

The Lord appeared. "Come," He said, "And I shall show you the Body of Christ."

He took me to a high place and told me to look down.

I saw Creation and its purpose being fulfilled in man and woman just as I had seen before. I saw Love go forth from the Father and create Man in His image. I saw Love go forth from the Father and create Woman in His image. I saw Love go forth from the Father and create Child. The love flowed through the man, continued on to the woman, flowed through the woman and continued on to the child. From the child, the love flowed back to the woman. From the woman it flowed back to the man. From the man it flowed back to the Father and the cycle was complete. Not only was the relationship perfect between the Father and those He created, but the relationship was perfect among the Man and the Woman, the Plan as was ordained before the fall of man and woman.

I saw the relationships shattered as I had seen before. Despite the fact that the cycle had been broken, the love continued flowing from the Being of the Father, for His Nature is such that His love must go forth.

But rather than flowing through the Man, Woman and Child, it flowed around them. There was nothing to bind them together. The man stood alone. The woman stood alone. The child stood alone. Loneliness surrounded them all.

"What are they to do?" I cried, for their loneliness saddened my heart.

"Behold," said the Lord.

I saw a body, like that of a man. It was in total disarray. At the very heart of the body stood the man, woman and child. I saw that their purpose had been to pump much health to the rest of the body. But they stood apart one from the other. Instead of pumping in harmonious unison, they pumped in such fashion as to cause disruption to the rest of the body.

"What keeps it from destroying itself?" I asked. "There is no harmony!"

"Look more closely,"said the Lord.

I looked more closely and saw that all the parts were connected together by a pulsing, never-ending flow of life-sustaining blood despite their seeming separation.

"Oh Lord," I said, " The blood is healthy and strong! And yet the body is not working as one to make up the whole. What can be done?"

"Because they stand apart one from the other, they cannot dwell in wholeness and in health. Restoration must come"

I saw the head of the body. It was the Lord, Himself. The head was perfect as the Lord was perfect. Every thought that proceeded from His mind was perfect as the Lord was perfect. The Thought went forth that the Body must be restored. The Word was spoken and, indeed, it had to come about.

One by one, the parts were healed according to the Word as it was spoken. As each fulfilled his part in union with the other parts, the aloneness disappeared and the Body was restored.

"How did this come about?" I asked in amazement!

"From the time I walked the earth to fulfill the Father's purposes, many have found life in My Word. But because man did not see the whole, he would take a portion of My Word and call it the whole. For this reason have separations and denominations arisen, each thinking his portion constituted the whole, disrupting the harmony of My Body.

"When you had asked about My Church, I had shown you a large, formless mass in continual motion but never breaking apart from itself. This is My Body and it is My blood which keeps it from separating into many parts. The time is coming when My Body shall be made whole and its parts will no more war one with the other.

"Fulfillment will come when man understands the purpose of My Body and each part takes his place among the many other parts to make up the whole. Every part must be healed, for it is only a perfect Body that I shall present to the Father... It shall come to pass, for I have spoken that it be so."

* * * * * * *

There was a room enclosed with marble walls and a lovely sunken pool of sparkling water lay in the center. A woman entered. The Lord led her down marble steps into the pool and gently made her to go under the waters, saying, "I baptize you in the name of My Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. Be filled." .

When she was brought up out of the waters,she stood before the Gate of Paradise. Her name was The Church.

* * * * * * *

"Lord," I said, "I know that You are the Way, the Truth and the Life. If only all the people could see You, they would fall at Your feet acknowledging You as their Lord and Savior, would they not?"

"We shall see." He said. "Come."

We came to a dwelling. He knocked on the door and when it opened, He entered and closed the door behind Him. I waited.

Three times did we stop at three dwellings and three times He entered. Each time, I was told to wait outside.

At the fourth dwelling, He left the door open and told me to watch. The mother I had seen before who had been caring for her child without a thought of her own needs, opened the door. The Lord entered and I watched. The mother greeted Him eagerly. The Lord then turned His attention to the child and set her upon His knee as He spoke to her. The mother sat watching with tears running down her cheeks. When the Lord rose and left the dwelling, I asked Him why the woman was weeping so.

"She is the Woman of Grace,"He said. She was deeply touched by My presence, but her greater gratitude was because I held and spoke to her child. She thinks first of others. Come, I shall enter one more dwelling and you shall watch once more."

We came to one more dwelling. The Lord knocked, entered and indicated that I should enter with Him.

We sat down opposite the man of the house and waited. The man spoke not a word. He looked into the Lord's eyes, but seemed untouched. He neither spoke nor acknowledged Him as Lord. We rose and left.

"Lord," I asked, "Why did he not respond to You?"

"You see,"He said, "Not everyone who hears My Word in this life believes. For this reason do I wait to be invited. Only when they want to believe will they believe. Not until the veil of mortality is lifted will all the world acknowledge Me as Lord. Then will there be much anguish and tears."

"Is there nothing to be done to help the unbelief?" I asked.

He said gently, "When I walked the earth and did great miracles and signs and wonders, did all believe?"

* * * * * * *

I saw the Lord again... mighty in power... standing with stern face. He said,

"My people must stand firm in the knowledge of My Word. It is the great weapon that enables My people to withstand the deception of evil in these times."

"Why are the peoples so easily deceived?" I asked.

"Because they wish to be deceived. Learn to stand within the protection of My Word."

* * * * * * *

The Lord said, "Recall the vision of the perfect picture which was suddenly cut into many pieces and scattered all about. I shall explain its meaning.

"The perfect picture was My Word which had called forth the perfect creation. When evil entered, it sought to destroy that which the Father and I created. We allowed the evil to enter for it had its purpose, which I shall reveal in due time. My Word, once it goes forth, can never be destroyed, but the evil filled Creation with confusion and the harmony was disrupted.

"The instant evil entered Creation, the Father had already set forth His Plan of Restoration. It was My right hand which reached down to restore each piece to its rightful place. Every piece represents a portion that I bade each generation to record until it was completed. It is by the Father's good Grace that every man shall have the opportunity to hear My Word. When the last piece is in place, then shall I erase all the lines and it shall be as it was in the beginning.

"I stand waiting. Lo! The time is near. I am the same yesterday, today and tomorrow and for all eternity."

* * * * * * *

There was a great sphere of light, filled with the Lord's people. A veil covered an opening. Outside the sphere was a terrible darkness. It seemed to be alive as it progressed toward the sphere devouring everything in its path.

Suddenly there was a tremendous surge of power in the midst of the sphere, increasing with frightening speed. This power was compressing itself into a smaller and smaller area until it could be compressed no more. It burst forth with a mighty explosion of light bursting forth with awesome power. Shafts of light flew in every direction. The veil was rent as the incredible light dispersed the darkness and the darkness was no more.

The Lord stood in all His glory. "I have rent the veil of Mortality! Come, My people. Come into the Land of Immortality which has been prepared for you from before the beginning of Time!

"I shall show you the beginnings of Mortality.

I saw two trees in the Garden of Eden. One was called The Tree of Knowledge; the other was called The Tree of Life, which contained the seed of Immortality. The man, who is called Adam, and the woman who is called Eve, were placed in the garden. The Father commanded the man and the woman not to eat of The Tree of Knowledge for they would become aware of Good and Evil. Evil had already entered the Creation when Lucifer had rebelled against his God while in heaven, wishing to be as great as God. The Father knew that when man become aware of the evil he would succumb to its temptation, believing that man could also be equal to God. Mortality entered creation upon eating of the fruit of knowledge.

The Father, who because of His great mercy and love, quickly bade His cherubim to stand guard over The Tree of Life lest the man and the woman eat of its fruit and become immortal while still being aware of good and evil. It was the Father's good Plan that they should not eat of the fruit of Immortality until all temptation, sin and evil were banished forever.

The Father's Plan which had been spoken before Time began was accomplished at its appointed hour. His immortal Son would become mortal, born of woman, but within His Being was Immortality. He was born as man, lived as man and died as man. Upon His death, the Immortality which dwelt within His being, burst the chain of Death and Mortality as He rose Immortal, shedding His own mortality. The Plan was complete.

This was the same power I had seen in the sphere, the same power which had rent the veil and dispelled the darkness forever.

Suddenly I was standing in the garden where the Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Life were.

"Go to the Tree of Knowledge and eat of its fruit," the Lord said.

I went and ate of the fruit. It was very bitter to the taste.

"The knowledge of the difference of good and evil is bitter indeed, is it not?"He said. "Now, go eat of The Tree of Life."

"Lord," I said, "Why would you command that I eat of The Tree of Life while I am mortal? You said to eat of it is to live forever with the knowledge of good and evil...."

"Did I not say that it was for this reason that I became mortal - that My people may enter Immortality with Me? Eat."

I took from the tree and ate. It was as sweet as the sweetest honey.

"Now because you have eaten of its fruit, you shall have no fear when you leave behind your mortality."

Then it was as though I was watching from a distance. I saw the fruit of Immortality which I had eaten inside my being. It began compressing itself just as the power within the sphere had compressed within itself. When it could compress no more, it burst forth with a light just as the Great Light had done and Mortality was gone!

The Seed of Immortality had been given to all of those who had received His light which would, at the appointed hour, break the bond of Mortality that they may enter Immortality.

* * * * * * *

I saw three women with a great distance between them.

The first woman was standing in a garden, lovely to behold.. I heard her name. She was called Eve. A child came forth from her, but he was not allowed to dwell in the beautiful garden. Eve left the garden and followed the child.

The child walked a very long distance for a very long time until he came to the second woman. I saw the child no more.

I heard the name of the second woman. She was called Mary. A child emerged from her womb. His name was Jesus. The second child walked a very long distance for a very long time until he came to the third woman.

A child came forth from the third woman. The child stood before the garden which Eve had left when she stepped into mortality, and the child stepped into the garden of Immortality..

"What is the meaning of the three women and the three children?" I asked the Lord.

"The first woman was Eve," He said. "Because of her unbelief, her child's eyes never beheld the wonders of Paradise. Because of her unbelief, she caused her child and her child's child and all children thereafter to walk in the Land of Mortality.

"The second woman was Mary. >From her womb came the Son of God to lead all the children back to the Land of Immortality, which is Paradise. The child was the Son of God.

"The Son of God prepared the way for the third woman, the second Eve, the Church. She believes in the Son of God and has taught her child to believe as well.

As Eve had caused her child to walk inunbelief, so shall the last Eve cause her child to walk with belief, finally inheriting the land which the Second Child made possible.

"So did a prophet of old say, 'And a little child shall lead them all."

* * * * * * *

I was walking in a land of great light and freedom. The Lord appeared and said, "The time is coming... nay, it is nigh, for the darkness stands at the door."

He pointed toward someone standing in the distance. It was the woman I had seen who had caused her child to walk with belief. She was dressed as a radiant bride with tears streaming down her delicate face.

"Why are you weeping so?" I asked her.

"I did not know... I did not know... I did not know..." she said.

"What did you not know?

"The wonder of it all..." she whispered in awe.

The Lord came and stood beside her, "Behold My Bride. She shall have a new name. Her name shall be 'Morning Star'."

* * * * * * *

I said to the Lord, "You have shown me many things and this knowledge has made me understand that the ways of the Father as so far above my ways that I can never comprehend Your greatness. Therefore, I no longer wish to lean on my own understanding. I no longer seek to be filled with knowledge, for my understanding can never be complete. I seek only the perfect will of the Father.

I asked the Holy Spirit to pray for me to reveal the Father's will.

The Power of the Holy Spirit proceeded from the Father's Being and passed through my being and continued on back to the Father, completing some cycle. Time after time the cycle continued while I stood silently waiting.

Suddenly the Holy Spirit caught me up and we were climbing a steep mountain. It was the same mountain that Jesus had climbed. Finally we reached the very peak and I was overcome with a tremendous power.

"At last! At last!" an awesome Voice proclaimed. "At last the vessel is fit for use! At last the vessel is emptied! I can now fill the emptied vessel with My Living Waters!"

I looked down the mountain side, the opposite side from which we had come. The descent was ever so steep and I was filled with fright.

"Are you ready?" the awesome Voice asked.

"May I stay a while longer?" I asked, "for I am frightened."

"For just a little while. Once the descent has begun, there can be no turning back. Just as water cannot rush up the mountain side, so once I have released the waters they shall continue with great speed until they have reached their destination. When it has reached its destination, it shall water the arid land."

* * * * * * *

I looked up at the high mountain that I had climbed with the Holy Spirit. A tiny vessel was sitting at its peak. It looked like a tiny dot.

"The vessel is so tiny", I cried. "It could scarcely hold one drop of water. That would accomplish nothing!"

I looked up again at the mountain top and saw that it reached so high into the heavens that its tip was touching the sheet of crystal which was separating Time from Timelessness. A small opening appeared and suddenly a great rain poured forth through the opening. It caught up the tiny drop and cascaded down the mountain side, flowing out into a desert below. It formed a large body of water at the base of the mountain. Then all was still.

The Lord appeared. The water was rising around His feet until He was standing in the midst of a large body of water. Life sprang forth all around the water line creating a lush oasis.

He asked, "When one lives in the desert and a great thirst comes upon him, where does he go?"

"To the oasis," I answered.

* * * * * * *

I was sitting at the edge of the oasis with the Lord and asked Him, "Lord, can You teach me the ways of patience, for I long to see the results of Your teaching?"

"Come,"He said, "Let us walk out into the desert."

We walked through a desert for some time until an oasis appeared on the horizon.

"What would you do if you saw many of My children in the desert and were dying of thirst, but they did not believe there was an oasis where they might drink and be refreshed?"

I thought a moment and answered, "Since You have shown me where the oasis is, I would go there myself, fill a container with its water, go back to the desert and give them a drink that they might believe."

"Look around in all directions and tell Me what you see."

I looked around and saw many oases and they all appeared to be closer than the one we had left behind.

"They are the mirages of the desert, "said the Lord. "When the heat of the day fills My people with weakness and they faint from thirst, their need for living water overcomes them and they imagine the oasis is near. When hope fills their hearts, it renews their strength and they rush toward what they believe is the oasis, only to find it is a mirage. If My people rush first to one mirage and then another, finding only a delusion, they may tire of seeking for the One True Oasis and lose their hopes."

"What are they to do?" I asked.

"The mirages that appear are the wiles of the evil one. They are the false prophets he sends forth to deceive My people. He cannot do away with the Living Waters so he seeks to confound by false promises which he hopes will wear down My people so that they will no longer seek My Kingdom.

"For each allotted day of time, I stand at a certain place in the desert that My people, weary from wandering aimlessly, may come to Me. If I leave My place even one instant before My time, there would be those who would not find Me and be lost forever in the desert.

"You see, I have patience because My concern is for every single one. You do not yet see all the souls athirst in the desert. I stand patiently waiting for all who will come. When this is your desire, you will have learned patience.

* * * * * * *

I was standing in the midst of the desert watching the Lord. Suddenly His Being took on a radiance which grew in brightness until it seemed He was afire! Then He rose into the heavens until He was standing over the circle of light with the high walls all around it, which was His Church. His left foot was resting on the tablet that read "Law" and His right foot was resting on the tablet that read "Grace".

His people were standing within the sphere and the Lord was high above them. He was enormous in size and His brilliance such that one could scarcely look upon it. Darkness surrounded the sphere.

"Look out upon the darkness, be still and watch."He said.

I looked out into the darkness but at first I could see nothing for my eyes had been filled with His radiance and the darkness had no light in whatsoever. As my eyes became accustomed to the darkness, I saw a very large figure looming over all the earth. He was standing face to face with the radiant Lord. No one spoke.

The large figure was filled with the same darkness as the cloud that had covered the earth. He was holding a scepter in his hand, leaned down and handed it someone who was standing on the earth. There was another figure standing next to the one who had taken the scepter.

"Here is the false prophet, "the Lord said very quietly.

"How can one know who he is?" I asked. "He is surrounded by darkness!"

"When one is standing out in the dark night and looks into a home which is filled with light, he can see all that is taking place for the ones in the light have nothing to hide and all their deeds are done openly. The one standing inside the home filled with light can only see dimly what is happening in the darkness. Those in the darkness do not wish to be seen, for their thoughts and deeds are continually evil. For this reason do I say to My people, 'Look only to Me'."

* * * * * * *

I saw the Lord standing in the sphere. There was a long wooden table in the center with twelve chairs, six were occupied and six were empty. There was a light over the table but no lamp was visible. Then I saw that the light was coming from the Lord. Those seated at the table were making preparations to provide food and drink and all that would be necessary to sustain those within the sphere.

I saw seven guards stationed outside the sphere.

The Lord asked, "By what means does man protect himself from danger?"

I thought a moment and said, "Man has eyes to see where he is going so that he does not fall or stumble. He has ears to hear if danger is approaching from any direction. He has a nose to sniff out dangers the eyes or the ears may not perceive. He has a mouth to call out a warning or to cry for help. He has hands to remove obstacles that may come in his path and to feel cautiously when darkness falls. He has feet to step out of danger's way..

"If the Father has so equipped man's body to keep it safe, will He not even more equip His Own Body of Believers?

I saw the one who was standing at the opening of the sphere. His eyes were forever scanning the horizon. The one next to him was sweeping away obstacles that were arising from the west. Next to him was standing one who was straining to hear any rumblings from the north. The one next to him was sniffing out any dangers of fire. The others were listening and sweeping away obstacles from the other directions.

"I see," I said, "That they are watching, listening, sniffing out danger and sweeping away obstacles, like the eyes, the hands, the ears and the nose. But where is the one who calls out the warning?"

I looked at the one standing guard at the door and saw that he was holding a stone. It was the living stone I had seen before, but now saw that it was the Lord's Word. It was His Word which was calling out the warning!

"Where are the feet to run from danger?"

The Kingdom of Truth shall protect My Body. It is Truth which shall swiftly remove you from harm's way. It is Truth on which My Body shall stand."

* * * * * * *

I saw the order in which events would soon occur.

I saw the angels carrying the Book into all the world.

I saw all those who accepted the message enter into the sphere of light.

I saw all those who rejected the message remain in the darkness.

I saw all those within the sphere receive their instructions.

I saw the Man of Sin revealed.

I saw the False Prophet revealed.

Then did I see the Lord appear before all the earth in great majesty, splendor and glory!

* * * * * * *

"Lord," I said, "How will all this come about for no man is capable of bringing about the things of which You have spoken?"

"No man is capable, but My Father who is in heaven can do all things. He shall empower His people through His Grace."

"Will You explain Grace once more, Lord, that I might understand more clearly?"

I saw a flowing stream of pure, sparkling water .

Many people were entering the stream, people from all nations and races and all manner of peoples - some dressed in rags, some in the richest of garments, some lame, some well, some covered with filth, some clean. They all entered the stream.

The Lord asked, "Does the stream alter its course or lose its purity regardless of who enters?"

"No, Lord," I said. "The water keeps flowing, completely unaware of the great difference among the people. It washes them all in the same manner."

"So is the Grace of the Father. His Grace is like a pure stream that flows without end, cleansing all who enter with no regard to who it may be.

"Lord, are You saying that Grace never refuses anyone? That Grace continues, regardless of who is entering? That Grace continues making no demands whatsoever, has no requirements and washes all alike? Why, there is no man on earth who could fulfill such a task, for that is not the nature of man!"

"When you were standing on the mountain top and there was a tiny drop of water which of itself could do nothing, and then a great rain fell from the heavens housed in eternity, what happened to that drop?"

"It became part of the water that flowed down the mountainside."

"That is to be filled with Grace. The drop can do nothing of itself, but when it becomes a part the waters from the Father, it becomes one with it. That is what is meant to become filled with Grace. This is how all I have spoken shall come to pass. Without Grace, man can do nothing. Without Grace, man cannot love. Without Grace, man cannot freely give. Without Grace, man cannot do the will of the Father."

* * * * * * *

I saw the Lord entering the Capitol Building where I had seen the angels hovering over the dome. I looked up and the angels were there encircling it.

The Lord was inside, building a small altar on the marble floor. He placed something on the altar. Flames shot forth consuming that which He had placed there. The smoke rose upward and the angels caught it in their hands so that not a single wisp escaped.

"What did You place on the altar,' I asked, "And what are the angels doing?"

"I have placed an offering upon the altar,"He said," The flames are purifying it and the angels are sifting the dross from the gold, for only a pure offering may approach the Throne of the Father."

His countenance took on a stern demeanor.

"You are not to stand in awe of any man. It is only I who have power. Do not stand in awe of any other. Those claiming to have great power have raised their clenched fists toward heaven, mocking the Father's Holy Name. You must not stand in awe of them!

Dark clouds were gathering ominously in the skies, but inside was light, for the Lord was standing there.

* * * * * * *

I came before the Lord. "Lord, You have spoken so often of Grace, saying that it is freely given asking nothing in return. I do not think the human heart is capable of such Grace."

He said, "Look deep into your heart and tell Me, at what times do you feel great anguish and hurt?"

I looked into my heart and after much deliberate searching, I said, "Great anguish comes upon me when I yearn for someone to understand me and to love me and he does not."

His eyes filled with tenderness and He said, "Search yet more deeply and tell Me, why is this so?"

"Oh Lord," I cried, "Why are You asking me to do this, for I fear that I will find that I am not loved as I yearn and will not be able to bear this realization!"

"Search, little one, and tell Me what you find."

I searched and found just what I had feared. With hurt resignation, I said, "Yes, yes, it is as I fear. I am not loved as I yearn for it within my heart. Why would You make me confront such an awful thing, for now my heart breaks with the knowledge?"

"Look again," He said so tenderly.

I looked again, scarcely caring what I would find for I was filled with hurt. Suddenly a great release came upon me! I turned to the Lord in amazement and cried, "I understand! I understand why You asked that I search my heart! How wondrous You are!

"What did you find?"

"I found that my anguish of heart came not because I loved, but because I demanded love. When I demanded love, I became a slave to those demands. Not only did I become a slave to them, but I caused the one on whom I made the demands to become a slave as well - a slave to my demands. I see that when I no longer demand a response, a response is no longer necessary! It truly sets me free. It also sets free the one on whom my demands were made. I understand what it means to ask nothing in return. How wondrous is this knowledge!

I thought about this revelation for a time and came before the Lord again.

"Lord, I have been set free from needing a response, but that does not necessarily make me love freely. How can I learn to do this?"

Then I saw the Woman of Grace and she was weeping.

"Why are you weeping?" I asked her.

:"Because my heart is filled with sadness. I yearn to bring happiness, but all I see is great sadness all around."

I looked around and indeed, all I saw was great sadness and I wept along with the Woman of Grace.

I came before the Lord, "Lord," I cried, "The sadness is more than I can bear. What is one to do? I see the desire of the heart is to be loved and it just is not possible for man to love without demanding some kind of response and the world is filled with a deep sorrow.

The Lord appeared and He was holding out His hand. He was offering the Father's awesome Grace. I was too fearful to touch it, for it was so gentle, so pure, that I knew my unworthy hand would harm it and it would be no more. "Lord, what am I to do? I fear my impure touch will bruise the awesome Grace.

He stood with great sad eyes, yearning that I accept the tender, tender Grace.

"Help me, Lord," I whispered, "Help me take it from Your hand."

He spoke so softly that I leaned more closely to hear what He was saying.

"The altar," He said, "The altar which holds the acceptable offering. What is it that quenches the flame?"

"Water," I answered quietly.

"Yes, water. The water that flows from a broken heart, the water that flows from the eyes because of the pain of the world. Gather your tears. Gather your tears and pour them gently upon the altar."

I gathered my tears and poured them gently on the altar.

The flame was quenched.

The Lord held out His hand and I reverently, awesomely took up His Grace and with great care, took it to myself.

He took my face in His gentle hands. "You have drunk of the Cup of Sorrows. Your offering is acceptable in the sight of the Father. You have been filled with the tender mercies of the great Grace of our Father."

* * * * * * *

My heart was overcome with the desire for many to see the Lord that they might be filled with the wondrous Grace. The desire was so intense that I felt I could not bear it and I cried to the Holy Spirit, "If this desire does not go forth, I fear I will burst with unbearable longing!"

The Holy Spirit said, Pray the prayer! Pray the prayer that the Lord's people might see Him!"

I could not speak. Finally I whispered, "I have not strength to pray such a prayer. It is as though it is a presumptuous prayer!"

"Pray the prayer!", He insisted.

I haltingly began to pray... "Oh Father, I pray that Your people might see..." and I could not continue for some reason.

"Continue the prayer!" He commanded.

I continued, "Oh Father, I pray that Your people might SEE the Lord..."

The Lord rushed toward me. He called to His angels. The angels came and were told to assist me for my strength was gone.

The Lord, the angels and I ascended up to the heavens and stood before the Throne of the Father with prayer in hand.

The Father took the prayer and called to one of His angels to fetch me a robe. The angel returned with a robe so pure, so soft and white, so gentle to the touch I feared it would melt away if I touched it. The angel was told to place it around me. When he did so, I was enveloped in its softness.

The angel told me to follow him. In the distance I saw a gateway, delicately laced with the finest scrollwork. I saw the gate but no walls to indicate that it was an entrance into another place. As we approached the gate, I saw that "Paradise" was written across the top.

"Am I about to die?" I cried.

"Enter through the Gate," came a command.

Wondering if I would ever return, I passed through the Gate.

Once on the other side, I became aware that the gentle robe was for the purpose of containing my mortality, for in this land only the Immortal dwelt. The air was unlike the air of the world. The air was Grace. Just as man cannot help but breathe the air in which he lives on earth , so in this place one cannot help but breathe the air of Immortality and Grace. I was told to breathe deeply. As I did so, I understood that Grace wrought healing. Grace wrought strength. Grace wrought love. Grace wrought Immortality for it was Grace without end.

I looked out into the land of mortality and saw that all things were reversed in this land. I understood why man had been unable to hold the key to Paradise. I thought that if man had touched the key, the key would be no more. Rather if he touched the key man would have been no more! So great was its power. It was not that the Lord was withholding the key, but rather protecting man's mortality until its time to be shed. I understood that when the Son of God came upon the earth, He brought His Immortality with Him. The mortality of the world sought to crush it by the power of its weight, seeking to overtake it, thereby attempting to take Immortality to itself. But Immortality cannot be destroyed nor can it be overtaken by mortality. This, again, was what I had seen in the sphere. The Lord's power is not as man perceives power. Man perceives power as a great weight to overcome by a crushing force. The power of the Lord is the power of Grace. It overcomes as a great light overcomes darkness, not by force, but by virtue of its nature. I understood that to be filled with Grace was to be filled with Immortality.

As I left the wondrous Paradise I was told that Grace will accomplish its purpose in His Body and when its purpose is completed, His Body will have no fear as it leaves its mortality behind. Immortal Grace will banish Mortality without effort, for it will merely be fulfilling its own nature.

* * * * * * *

He that hath an ear, let him hear
He that hath eyes, let him see

Lo, I stand at the door and knock
He that openeth, so shall I enter

Time has been fulfilled

The Day of the Lord cometh


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